
Here at LWES, we pride ourselves in bringing fun and relatable NP IN 5 MINUTESTM reviews that help thousands of students successfully prepare for their NP exams. We encourage students to walk into test centers photo ready – so they are looking great on their ‘I Passed’ paper, write NP IN 5 MINUTESTM as the first thing on their scratch paper, and breathe – if they’ve done the work, they’ll surely be walking out board certified!

Whether you’re currently preparing for boards or a practicing NP, join the NP IN 5 MINUTESTM club by submitting your testimony below. We cannot wait to hear about how you found your way to our #NPIn5MinutesTM community!

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    * By submitting this form, you’re giving us permission to use your testimonial
    on our website & social platforms!

    Check out these awesome nurses below that have already submitted their testimonials! Submit yours today to appear on our social media!

    • Natasha Williams Student Testimonial